
We’re Jason and Lauren Pak, and we’re the founders of AchieveOnline. We’ve been strength coaches since 2007, and in 2012 we opened our gym - Achieve Fitness in Boston, MA. While we love coaching people in person, we were continuously receiving requests for online training from folks who didn’t live in close enough proximity to the gym to become members.

We hesitated originally because we didn’t want to put out a product that wasn’t up to our standards, but with the help of TrueCoach, we have finally been able to offer the closest thing you’ll get to being a member of Achieve Fitness - no matter where you live!

With Achieve Online, we’ve been able to take the best of what’s been working in the gym with our clients over the past 12 years and apply it to an online setting! Our programs are geared toward improving movement quality, getting stronger, and actually enjoying the process!